Saturday, 8 December 2012


Preliminary Portfolio was due yesterday at 4. I put a lot of work and hours into it, but as I was editing I was getting more and more unsatisfied with the results. The only images I truly like are my opens, but I am most likely going to reshoot them so they fit my theme better in my Final Portfolio which is due at the end of the year. It's not that I think they are bad though, it's because i'm learning so much new shit everyday in class that images I shot a month ago I know I can reshoot better today. 

I learned a stuff load this semester though. I got a lot more comfortable with portrait lighting, and because of it I love portraits more than commercial. Which was the complete opposite of last year, where I loved commercial work but despised portraits. In post we got used to a ton more paper, and in digital class (as well as from one of my friends) my mind got blown with some portrait editing techniques. I also think im going to re-try to shoot my self portrait on 4x5 (I focused to much on the 4x5 aspect of it, and the lighting was shit), as I love the results a lot better than digital. I'll post my portraits from this year, but my Arch. And Food layout are definitely staying hidden in my hard-drive, as they are absolutely abysmal. Funny how much work can be summed up into 2.2 gigs worth of data.