Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Self Portrait

Self Portrait.

A portrait of yourself created by yourself.

Today our teacher decided to change that, and for our in-class exercise we had to take a portrait of a friend in class, with you directing them as if they were you. So more of "A portrait of a friend of yourself created by yourself."

Im usually a happy kind of guy, when im not insanely tired as I have been lately, so I decided to get Arthur to smile in my picture. I also wanted a picture of what he is like normally, so I told him my first few shots were "just to check out the lighting," even after I had finished it. I also used the same lighting setup that i've been using a lot recently, which is a strip in the back to light their back for separation and creating a highlight on their face on the opposite side of the main, while using either a Mola or Medium soft box high& pointing down to create rembrandt or short lighting. The first shot is Arthur relaxed, the second is me directing him to be "me." I found it to be a pretty fun exercise, and it was not to hard to direct Arthur as he is usually laughing about as well. In my opinion this assignment should have been given us in first year once we learned how to use the flashes as sort of a icebreaker, because even though I've known the people in my class for a year and a bit now, I learned a lot about them during this exercise.

I'm probably going to revisit this concept later and do a better job, as I only had 20 minutes to shoot, tear down, edit and submit. I really like the idea. Good fun. Thanks to Justin for assisting and Arthur for modelling.

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